
Remember when the shadows danced upon mirrored waters,

The forest swayed in anticipation of your dreams.

Remember when the stars whispered to your soul,

The oceans tide waved hello.

Remember when the moon would only shine for your heart to feel,

The moon would wane and wax for your joy was real…

Do you remember when? For it was only yesterday in my minds eye. It is not in the distant past I recall the sounds of nature. It was yesterday, we were children… waiting in anticipation for the magic of this life and the next… but alas, the next came to soon… I can not remember the minute when it came. The sounds of an awakening slumber. But it came, seemingly short and important. The importance shifted… the magic faded as a mirage will when water is consumed. What then… what is this water we drink… I wish to purge and remain in that blissful state. Wonder and merriment followed us as children. For I do remember when I would smile… it was before this certain awareness…

Remember the sounds of silence,

The way the wind would echo the laughter of angels.

Remember the light,

The way even the tiniest rainbow would lay captured within the walls of crystals… showing the way to freedom was in our eyes

Remember the rain,

The thunder and lightening would try to frighten us… yet we knew the truth behind the storm Remember the snow, The wind and white… it was never cold

How we live in this world and alone experienced these gifts… these treasures of time… do you remember? I pray we shall never forget…

It’s been so long…

It has been so long since I put my words on these pages… a friend of mine reminded me of who I used to be.

I just wanted to say this… You were meant to write and share it with the world. You don’t have to give away your soul in place of motherhood.  And there is no greater gift that you can give your children than allowing them to see their mother pursue their purpose… You were given such a gift. You have a beautiful spirit and I truly love you. 

 This woke me up a little… I normally do not write of personal things, however I suppose it is appropriate given the circumstances of where I mean to go… I mean to start anew. If not for me… for my son. I used to feel my soul on these pages, she used to sing and laugh and I swear I used to watch her dance… Now she is wandering, waiting for me to call her home, to the missing feeling I have deep down.

Until we meet again, (soon)



Hollowed echos shatter the silence

My heart and body are filled

My soul has cleared 

And now I wait

for fate

to deliberate

my future…


When the time is right I shall return. I miss this place, it was my home. Circumstances change and life grows, one day I shall return, hopefully soon and when I do I shall be different. We shall see. For now, for the few who still come, we shall meet again. Until then, be well my friends.



A place called Dream


What a pleasure to have Silence here.

To be so close and have Sadness near.

They are my friends, my enablers, my addiction.

They bring along Memory time and time again, we have made a bond, which many find wrong. They say, “leave her, she will only hold you down.” I say never, “I am stronger with her around”.  My foundation was all but nothing and now is built upon her own, she shows me things and I find I have grown.


Now Memory and I  leave behind Silence and Sadness and find Life and Death in the other room. Waiting, watching, no reasons, no rhymes… simply observing the passing of Time…


Time sees Memory as clearly as day, leaves Life and Death for a momentary stay, “what have you to say?”

Memory responds, “the same as yesterday, I can not remember your beginning, it is beyond my way, perhaps your company has led you astray. Find the other which fathered Life, find the other who birthed death. Ask the one who knows, for it is beyond my depth”

I watch as Time scattered away, frantic and pacing ever which way. I watched it look over Life and Death, agitated and waiting for a respond or perhaps thinking of their beginnings…


We returned to Sadness and Silence. Serenity and Calm entered. I turned to leave and find the name of this place.Looking at Memory I asked, “Where are we and when can I return?”

With an invisible smile Memory said, “It is a place called Dream, you can visit anytime you remember”

Yearning Pasts

What do we know,

of our others?
The true meaning of oneness.
What do we know,

…of our families?

…of our loved ones?
…of our histories?
Can we read from our stories?
Do we care?

We say yes

But do we?
Do You?

Who is your lover?
Be it your friend.
Who is your mother?
Be it your Father.
Who is your sister?
Or perhaps a brother?

What are their dreams?
What are their hopes?
Do we only want them to know ours?

Instead of speaking and not listening…
Ask these questions more,
They make your story complete.
For one day you may ponder…
Upon a time you will wonder…
And it may be too late

Make the time

Speak and share

Show your love

Show you’re there


Time does not care for yearning pasts

Make the present matter for time will pass

Make these questions live

For memories shall last

Time does not care for yearning pasts